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The church, the Bride of Christ, is to be a sort of display window that allows the world to observe the wisdom of God at work (Ephesians 3:10). As God’s people wrestle with the issues, complexities and circumstances of the day, we see the grace, power and truth of God worked out among us. To lead us in that amazing process of transformation, God calls us to appoint leaders that are sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Here at Valley, we have elders, deacons and ministry leaders that are charged with giving direction to the ministries entrusted to us by God. We are proud of our leadership team and their godly leadership here at Valley Free.



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Elders at Valley Free are called to oversee the spiritual life of the church family. Acts 20:28 tells us that their calling is from the Holy Spirit and that they are charged with caring for the church. The elder team is focused on making sure our church is marked by consistent biblical teaching. They pray for the church family and make sure the people of the church have their spiritual needs met. The elders are also charged with making decisions and casting vision that will lead our church in the calling of Jesus.

To be an elder means to be a servant. If you have questions about the doctrine or spiritual directions of Valley Free, feel free to contact an elder. If you find yourself in need of spiritual care, the elders are there for you and eager to share Christ in your life and circumstances.


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Deacons at Valley Free are called to oversee the facilities and budget for the church family. Acts tells us that their calling is to look after the organizational issues of the church. In this way, the deacon team enables the elders to focus on the spiritual life of the church. Our deacons look after building issues, relationships with vendors and users of our facilities, development and oversight of the church budget. They are involved with many areas that provide the necessary systems for ministry.

For both elders and deacons, the charge from Scripture is clear. We are to appoint people who are of good reputation and full of the Holy Spirit (Acts 6:3). In all of our appointments for leadership, we strive to align ourselves with God’s standard of character and conduct for leaders (I Timothy 3, Titus 1).